Accessing Quantum Backends
The PLANQK Quantum SDK provides an easy way to develop quantum code that runs on quantum hardware and simulators supported by the PLANQK Platform.
The SDK supports both the Qiskit 1.3 SDK and the Amazon Braket SDK, allowing you to choose your preferred framework for quantum programming:
- Qiskit: Access all gate-based quantum backends and simulators provided by PLANQK.
- Amazon Braket SDK: Access all devices provided by PLANQK through AWS, such as the QuEra Aquila quantum device.
This integration enables you to seamlessly adapt and reuse your existing Qiskit or Braket code within the PLANQK environment, maximizing productivity while working with the frameworks you are already accustomed to.
If you are using PennyLane to implement your quantum machine learning algorithms, you can use the SDK along with the PennyLane-Qiskit plugin to run them on the quantum hardware provided by PLANQK.
You need to have Python 3.11 or higher installed. The package is released on PyPI and can be installed via pip
pip install --upgrade planqk-quantum
Ensure that you have versions older than Qiskit SDK 1.3 uninstalled before installing the PLANQK Quantum SDK. The best practice is to create a new virtual environment and freshly install the SDK.
After installing the SDK, you can start using it in conjunction with your preferred quantum framework:
- Follow the Using Qiskit section to begin creating quantum circuits and running them on supported devices through PLANQK.
- Follow test Using Amazon Braket section for building circuits or Analog Hamiltonian Simulations and running them on devices provided by PLANQK.
To use the SDK, you need to authenticate using an access token. You may use your personal access token found on the PLANQK welcome page, or you can generate dedicated access tokens.
An access token can be set in two ways:
Automatically, by logging in through the PLANQK CLI. The command to login via CLI is
planqk login -t <your_access_token>
. This method will automatically inject the access token when you instantiate thePlanqkQuantumProvider
class. If you want to log in with your organization you need to additionally executeplanqk set-context
and select the organization.Explicitly, during instantiation of the
class. This method overrides any access token that has been automatically injected through the PLANQK CLI login. You can optionally pass the organization id as a parameter, if you want to execute your circuit using your organization's account.
If the access token is not set, is invalid, or has expired, an InvalidAccessTokenError
is thrown. You need to generate a new token and log-in again.
Using Qiskit
In your Python code you can access the PLANQK quantum backends through the PlanqkQuantumProvider
class. Import the class and instantiate it as shown below:
from planqk.qiskit import PlanqkQuantumProvider
If you are already logged in with the PLANQK CLI you can create the provider object without any parameters:
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider()
Alternatively, you can also create the provider object by passing a personal access token as a parameter:
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider(access_token="YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE")
If you want to log in with your organization, you can additionally pass the organization id as a parameter. The organization id can be found in the organization settings on the PLANQK Platform:
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider(organization_id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID_HERE", access_token="...")
Use the Provider Class
After you have created the provider object, you can list all backends supported by PLANQK and select the one you want to use. The available backends and their ids can be also found here:
# List all available PLANQK quantum backends
backends = provider.backends()
# Select a certain backend
backend = provider.get_backend("azure.ionq.simulator")
To access other QPUs, either you or your organization must have payment information added to your account. To upgrade your account, go to your Account Settings, click the Upgrade button, and follow the prompts to enter your payment details.
Execute a Quantum Circuit
Now you can execute your Qiskit circuit on the selected backend, retrieve its job
object, retrieve its results, or cancel it. The full example would look like this:
from planqk.qiskit import PlanqkQuantumProvider
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider()
backend = provider.get_backend("azure.ionq.simulator")
# Create a Qiskit circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit(3, 3)
circuit.h(0), 1), 2)
circuit.measure(range(3), range(3))
circuit = transpile(circuit, backend)
job =, shots=100)
# Monitor job status and get results
print(f"Status: {job.status()}")
print(f"Result: {job.result()}")
Executing your quantum circuits or programs on PLANQK may lead to execution costs depending on selected backend and number of shots. Please find an overview about the costs for each backend on our pricing page.
Retrieving Quantum Jobs
Due to queuing at the quantum provider, job execution may take hours or even days. To retrieve your job later, you can use the retrieve_job
function provided by the backend:
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider()
backend = provider.get_backend("azure.ionq.simulator")
# Retrieve the job through its id
job = backend.retrieve_job("6ac422ad-c854-4af4-b37a-efabb159d92e")
You can also get an overview of all your jobs by executing
or by visiting the Quantum Jobs page.
Using Amazon Braket
In your Python code you can access the PLANQK quantum backends through the PlanqkBraketProvider
class. We refer to these backends as devices in the following to adhere to the Braket SDK naming conventions. Import the class and instantiate it as shown below:
from planqk import PlanqkBraketProvider
If you are already logged in with the PLANQK CLI you can create the provider object without any parameters:
provider = PlanqkBraketProvider()
Alternatively, you can also create the provider object by passing your PLANQK personal access token:
provider = PlanqkBraketProvider(access_token="YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE")
If you want to log in with your organization, you can additionally pass the organization id as a parameter. The organization id can be found in the organization settings on the PLANQK Platform:
provider = PlanqkBraketProvider(organization_id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID_HERE", access_token="...")
Use the Provider Class
After you have created the provider object, you can list all devices (backends) provided by the PLANQK Platform that can be accessed through Braket.
# List all available PLANQK quantum devices
devices = provider.devices()
# Select a certain device
device = provider.get_device("aws.ionq.forte")
To access other QPUs, either you or your organization must have payment information added to your account. To upgrade your account, go to your Account Settings, click the Upgrade button, and follow the prompts to enter your payment details.
Working with Braket Devices
Now you can execute your Braket circuit on the selected device, retrieve its task
object, retrieve its results, cancel it etc. The full example would look like this:
from braket.circuits import Circuit
from planqk import PlanqkBraketProvider
from planqk.braket.planqk_quantum_task import PlanqkAwsQuantumTask
# Select the IonQ Forte device
device = PlanqkBraketProvider().get_device("aws.ionq.forte")
# Create a Braket circuit
circuit = Circuit().h(0).cnot(0, 1).cnot(1,2)
# Execute the circuit with 100 shots
task =, 100)
# Monitor task status and get results
print(f"Status: {task.state()})
print(f"Result: {task.result()})
To execute a task on the QuEra Aquila device, you'll need to create an Analog Hamiltonian Simulation (AHS) program and discretize it according to the device specifications. This is described in detail using the Maximum Independent Set Problem in our Quera Aquila tutorial.
Retrieving Braket Tasks
To retrieve a task you ran earlier, note down its ID and create a PlanqkAwsQuantumTask object by providing the ID. Optionally, you can also provide an access token and an organization id.
# Submit the program to the device
task =, 100)
# Get the task ID for future reference
print("Task ID:",
# Example Output: Task ID: 6ac422ad-c854-4af4-b37a-efabb159d92e
# Retrieve the task using its ID
task = PlanqkAwsQuantumTask("6ac422ad-c854-4af4-b37a-efabb159d92e")
You can also get an overview of your tasks by visiting the Quantum Jobs page. Note that your tasks are referred to as “jobs” on this page.
Supported Operations
This section provides an overview of the most important classes and methods in the SDK.
The PlanqkQuantumProvider
class allows access to all gate-based backends via Qiskit.
Method | Description |
backends() | This method returns a list of ids of backends supported by PLANQK. Please note that currently, backend filtering is not supported. |
get_backend(backend_id) | This method returns a single backend that matches the specified ID. If the backend cannot be found, a PlanqkClientError is thrown. |
jobs() | This method retrieves a list of all jobs created by the user, sorted by their creation date with the newest jobs listed first. |
If you specify azure.ionq.simulator
as the backend ID, for example, by calling provider.get_backend("azure.ionq.simulator")
, a PlanqkQiskitBackend
is returned.
Qiskit Backends and Jobs
The PlanqkQiskitBackend
class represents a Qiskit Backend. It provides information about quantum backends (e.g., number of qubits, qubit connectivity, etc.) and enables you to run quantum circuits on the backend. Please note that currently, only circuits with gate-based operations are supported while pulse-based operations are not supported.
The PlanqkQiskitBackend
class supports the following methods:
Method | Description |
configuration() | Returns the backend configuration data. This method is included for compatibility with older versions of Qiskit. |
run(circuit, shots) | Executes a single circuit on the backend as a job (multiple circuits are currently not supported) and returns a PlanqkQiskitJob . You also need to specify the number of shots. The minimum and maximum number of supported shots differ for each backend and can be obtained from the backend properties min_shots and max_shots , respectively. A PlanqkClientError is thrown if the job input is invalid or if the designated backend is offline and does not accept new jobs in the moment. |
retrieve_job(job_id) | Retrieves a job from the backend using the provided id. If a job cannot be found a PlanqkClientError is thrown. |
This example shows how to run a circuit on a backend:
# Select a certain backend
backend = provider.get_backend("azure.ionq.simulator")
# Create a circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
circuit.h(0), 1)
circuit.measure(range(2), range(2))
# Run the circuit on the backend
job =, shots=10)
# Retrieve a job by id
job = backend.retrieve_job("6ac422ad-c854-4af4-b37a-efabb159d92e")
Qiskit Jobs & Results
The class PlanqkQiskitJob
represents a Qiskit Job. It provides status information about a job (e.g., job id, status, etc.) and enables you to access the job result as soon as the job execution has completed successfully.
Method | Description |
status() | Returns the status of the job. The Qiskit job states are: INITIALIZING , QUEUED , RUNNING , CANCELLED , DONE , ERROR . |
result() | Returns the result of the job. It blocks until the job execution has completed successfully. If the job execution has failed, a PlanqkClientError is thrown indicating that the job result is not available. |
cancel() | Cancels the job execution. If the job execution has already completed or if it has failed, this method has no effect. |
The type of result depends on the backend where the job was executed. Currently, only measurement result histograms are supported. The histogram is represented as a dictionary where the keys are the measured qubit states and the values are the number of occurrences. The measured qubit states are represented as bit-strings where the qubit farthest to the right is the most significant and has the highest index (little-endian). If supported by the backend, the result also contains the memory of the job execution, i.e., the qubit state of each individual shot.
Attribute | Description |
counts | Returns the histogram of the job result as a JSON dict. |
memory | Returns the memory as a JSON dict. |
Here is an example of how to access these attributes:
result = job.result()
# Expected output, e.g., {"11": 6, "00": 4}
# Expected output, e.g., ['00', '11', '11', '00', '11', '00', '11', '11', '00', '11']
The PlanqkBraketProvider
class allows access to all backends provided through AWS. This is an overview of the available methods:
Method | Description |
devices() | This method returns a list of ids of the devices supported by PLANQK through Braket. |
get_device(device_id) | This method returns a single device that matches the specified ID. If the backend cannot be found, a PlanqkClientError is thrown. |
If you specify aws.ionq.forte
as the backend ID, for example, by calling provider.get_device("aws.ionq.forte")
, a PlanqkAwsDevice
is returned.
Braket Devices and Tasks
The PlanqkAwsDevice
class represents an AwsDevice
and therefore provides the same properties and methods. Below are the key methods and properties:
Property / Method | Description |
status | Retrieves the current status of the device. |
is_available | Returns true if the device is online and ready to process tasks. |
properties | Provides the current properties of the device. |
run(task_specification, shots) | Executes a Braket circuit or an Analog Hamiltonian Simulation program on PLANQK (batch executions are not currently supported) and returns a PlanqkAwsQuantumTask . You can specify the number of shots to perform; if not specified, 1000 shots are executed by default. A PlanqkClientError is thrown if the task input is invalid or if the device is offline and unable to accept new jobs. |
Tasks & Results
The PlanqkAwsQuantumTask
class is a representation of an AwsQuantumTask. This class provides essential status information about a task, such as its ID, current status, and allows access to its results once the execution is completed successfully.
You can obtain a PlanqkAwsQuantumTask
object directly from the run
function of the PlanqkAwsDevice
. Alternatively, if you need to retrieve a task later, you can create a PlanqkAwsQuantumTask
object by specifying the task ID. For example, to retrieve a task with the ID 123e4567-e89b-42d3-a456-556642440000
, you would use:
task = PlanqkAwsQuantumTask(task_id="123e4567-e89b-42d3-a456-556642440000")
If you are not logged in through the PLANQK CLI, you must also provide your access token, and optionally, your organization ID.
PlanqkAwsQuantumTask(task_id="123e4567-e89b...", access_token="your_access_token", organization_id="your_organization_id")
Method | Description |
status() | Returns the current status of the task, which could be QUEUED , RUNNING , CANCELLED , COMPLETED , or FAILED . |
result() | Returns the execution result of the task. This method blocks until the task execution completes successfully. If the task fails, a PlanqkClientError is thrown, indicating that the result is unavailable. |
cancel() | Cancels the task execution. If the task has already completed or failed, this method has no effect. |
If you execute a Braket circuit the result object is of type GateModelQuantumTaskResult
. For AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult
. Both result classes include the shot measurements from the execution.
A GateModelQuantumTaskResult
contains for instance the following properties:
result = task.result()
# Expected output, e.g., Counter({'111': 2, '000': 1})
# Expected output [[0 0 0][1 1 1][1 1 1]]
PennyLane Integration
To use the SDK with PennyLane, you need to install the PennyLane-Qiskit plugin by adding the pennylane-qiskit
package to your Python project dependencies, e.g., by running pip install pennylane-qiskit==0.36
Currently, only pennylane
and pennylane-qiskit
packages version 0.36.0 are supported.
To execute a PennyLane circuit using a PLANQK backend, first, retrieve the desired backend using the PlanqkQuantumProvider.
Then, create a qiskit.remote
device and pass the PLANQK backend to it.
The following example shows how to create a remove device using the azure.ionq.simulator
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider()
backend = provider.get_backend("azure.ionq.simulator")
device = qml.device('qiskit.remote', wires=2, backend=backend, shots=100)
def circuit():
qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
return qml.sample(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.sample(qml.PauliZ(1))
result = circuit()
What's next?
- See our supported quantum backends and simulators.
- Checkout how to create your first PLANQK Service project.