# SDK Reference

The PlanQK Quantum SDK provides an easy way for developing quantum circuits using Qiskit (opens new window) to be run on quantum hardware and simulators supported by the PlanQK Platform (opens new window). It is an extension for the Qiskit SDK (opens new window). This means that you're able to seamlessly integrate and reuse your existing Qiskit code, leveraging the power and familiarity of a framework you're already accustomed to.

If you are using PennyLane (opens new window) to implement your quantum machine learning algorithms, you can use the SDK along with the PennyLane-Qiskit plugin to run them on the quantum hardware provided by the PlanQK Platform.

# Installation

The package is released on PyPI and can be installed via pip:

pip install --upgrade planqk-quantum

# Using the SDK

The SDK, based on Qiskit, enables access to quantum hardware and simulators using the Qiskit syntax. To list and access the quantum backends supported by Planqk, you will need to use either the PlanqkQuantumProvider or the PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService class. The latter one can be only used to access the IBM backends while the former one is used to access all backends.

# Authentication

To use the SDK, you need to authenticate using an access token with at least the quantum-tokens scope. The token can be generated here (opens new window). This token can be set in two ways:

  1. Automatically, by logging in through the PlanQK CLI. The command to login via CLI is planqk login -t <your_access_token>. This method will automatically inject the access token when you instantiate the PlanqkQuantumProvider class. If you want to log in with your organization you need to additionally execute planqk set-context and select the organization.

  2. Explicitly, during instantiation of the PlanqkQuantumProvider or the PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService class as shown in the example below. This method overrides any access token that has been automatically injected through the PlanQK CLI login. You can optionally pass the organization id as a parameter, if you want to execute your circuit using your organization's account.

If the access token is not set or if it is invalid or has expired, an InvalidAccessTokenError is thrown. You need to generate a new token and login again.

If you want to login with your organization, you can additionally pass the organization id as a parameter.

# Provider Access Token for IBM Backends

To utilize IBM backends through the PlanqkQuantumProvider or the PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService, it is essential to supply your IBM API access token. This token can be obtained from either IBM Quantum or IBM Cloud. You should enter this token into your Provider Access Token settings (opens new window). PlanQK utilizes this token to determine the backends you are authorized to access and to facilitate interaction with these backends. For accessing backends provided by IBM Quantum, you must input the specific "IBM Quantum" token. Similarly, for IBM Cloud backends, the "IBM Cloud" token is required.

# Example Usage

from planqk.qiskit import PlanqkQuantumProvider

# Initialize the provider with your access token, and optionally your organization id
provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider(access_token="your_access_token", organization_id="your_organization_id")

backends = provider.backends()

# Select a certain backend
backend = provider.get_backend(name="azure.ionq.simulator")


Note: You need to set an access token having at least the quantum-tokens scope to use the PlanqkQuantumProvider class. You can either set it explicitly in the constructor PlanqkQuantumProvider(access_token = "my_token") or use the PlanQK CLI to login. In latter case the token is automatically applied when you instantiate the PlanqkQuantumProvider class. If the access token is not set or if it is invalid, an InvalidAccessTokenError is thrown. You can generate a new token here (opens new window). If you apply the token through login, you need to log in again with the PlanQK CLI and pass the new token as argument.

# Supported Operations

# PlanqkQuantumProvider

This section provides a brief overview of the most important classes and methods in the SDK. For a more detailed description, please refer to the SDK's API documentation.

# Provider

The PlanqkQuantumProvider class is an extension for the Qiskit Provider (opens new window).

Method Description
backends() This method returns a list of backends supported by PlanQK. Please note that currently, backend filtering is not supported.
get_backend(name) This method returns a single backend that matches the specified name. If the backend cannot be found, a PlanqkClientError is thrown.
jobs() This method retrieves a list of all jobs created by the user, sorted by their creation date with the newest jobs listed first.

# Backend

The PlanqkBackend class represents a Qiskit Backend (opens new window). It provides information about quantum backends (e.g., number of qubits, qubit connectivity, etc.) and enables you to run quantum circuits on the backend. Please note that currently, only circuits with gate-based operations are supported while pulse-based operations are not supported.

The PlanqkBackend class supports the following methods:

Method Description
configuration() Returns the backend configuration data. This method is included for compatibility with older versions of Qiskit.
run(circuit, shots) Executes a single circuit on the backend as a job (multiple circuits are currently not supported). You also need to specify the number of shots. The minimum and maximum number of supported shots differ for each backend and can be obtained from the backend properties min_shots and max_shots, respectively. A PlanqkClientError is thrown if the job input is invalid or if the designated backend is offline and does not accept new jobs in the moment.
retrieve_job(job_id) Retrieves a job from the backend using the provided id. If a job cannot be found a PlanqkClientError is thrown.

This example shows how to run a circuit on a backend:

# Create a circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.measure(range(2), range(2))
# Run the circuit on the backend
job = backend.run(circuit, shots=10)

# Retrieve a job by id
job = backend.retrieve_job("6ac422ad-c854-4af4-b37a-efabb159d92e")

# Jobs & Results

The class PlanqkJob represents a Qiskit Job (opens new window). It provides status information about a job (e.g., job id, status, etc.) and enables you to access the job result as soon as the job execution has completed successfully.

# Methods
Method Description
status() Returns the status of the job. The Qiskit job states (opens new window) are: INITIALIZING, QUEUED, RUNNING, CANCELLED, DONE, ERROR.
result() Returns the result of the job. It blocks until the job execution has completed successfully. If the job execution has failed, a PlanqkClientError is thrown indicating that the job result is not available.
cancel() Cancels the job execution. If the job execution has already completed or if it has failed, this method has no effect.
# Results

The type of result depends on the backend where the job was executed. Currently, only measurement result histograms are supported. The histogram is represented as a dictionary where the keys are the measured qubit states and the values are the number of occurrences. The measured qubit states are represented as bit-strings where the qubit farthest to the right is the most significant and has the highest index (little-endian). If supported by the backend, the result also contains the memory of the job execution, i.e., the qubit state of each individual shot.

# Attributes
Attribute Description
counts Returns the histogram of the job result as a JSON dict.
memory Returns the memory as a JSON dict.

Here is an example of how to access these attributes:

result = job.result()
# Expected output, e.g., {"11": 6, "00": 4}
# Expected output, e.g., ['00', '11', '11', '00', '11', '00', '11', '11', '00', '11']

# PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService

The PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService class is an extension of the Qiskit Runtime Service (opens new window). It enables you to run quantum circuits on the IBM backends using the Qiskit Runtime. The framework provides computational primitives tailored for fundamental quantum computing operations, enhanced with integrated error suppression and mitigation functionalities. These primitives operate within sessions, enabling the joint execution of multiple circuits on a quantum device without being interrupted by other users’ jobs. This results in a significant reduction of the overall execution time. In the example below two circuits are executed within the same session. The first job waits in the queue. The session starts, if this job is executed on the backend. After the first job is finished, the second job of the session is instantly executed on the backend without being queued again.

service = PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService()
circuit_1 = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
circuit_2 = QuantumCircuit(3, 3)

with Session(service=service, backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator") as session:
    # Submit a request to the Sampler primitive within the session.
    sampler = Sampler(session=session, options=options)
    job = sampler.run(circuits=circuit_1)
    print(f"Sampler results: {job.result()}")
    job = sampler.run(circuits=circuit_2)
    print(f"Sampler results: {job.result()}")

# Provider

To initialize and use the PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService class, it's essential to first configure it with your specific API token from IBM. This token could either be from IBM Quantum or IBM Cloud, depending on your requirements. Detailed instructions for obtaining and setting up your API token are available in the section Provider Access Token for IBM Backends. Such as the PlanqkQuantumProvider, the PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService also provides the methods for retrieving backends:

Method Description
backends() This method returns a list of backends supported by the PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService.
get_backend(name) This method returns a single backend that matches the specified name. If the backend cannot be found or if it is not supported, a QiskitBackendNotFoundError is thrown.

# Session

As session groups a collection of iterative job execution calls to a quantum computer. A session is created by instantiating the Session class. To instantiate a session, you need to provide the following constructor parameters:

  • service - Must be set to a PlanqkQiskitRuntimeService object.
  • backend - The name of the backend you want to use.

More detailed information about the attributes and methods provided by the Session calls can be found here (opens new window).

# Primitives

Primitives are core functions that make it easier to build modular algorithms and applications. They enhance the ways how users can run jobs on quantum computers. Currently, the Sampler and the Estimator primitives are supported.

# Sampler

This primitive is similar to the backend.run() operation.
It takes circuits as input and returns a quasi-probability distribution over the measurement outcomes. This generalizes histograms from quantum circuits, allowing for mitigation of readout errors. More information about using this primitive can be found here (opens new window).

# Estimator

The estimator primitive allows you to efficiently calculate and interpret expectation values of quantum operators. You specify circuits that prepare quantum states and then Pauli-basis observables to measure on those states. The estimator can use advanced error suppression and mitigation capabilities to improve the accuracy of the returned expectation values.

To use the estimator, you need to create a circuit and one or more observables, that represent the physical properties of your quantum system you want to measure. You run the estimator as job by passing the circuit and the observables to the Estimator primitive within a session.

circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
observable = SparsePauliOp("XZ")

with Session(service=service, backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator") as session:
    # Submit a request to the Estimator primitive within the session.
    estimator = Estimator(session=session)
    job = estimator.run(circuits=circuit, observables=observable)
    print(f"Estimator results: {job.result()}")

More information about the estimator primitive can be found here (opens new window).

# Jobs & Results

The class PlanqkRuntimeJob represents a Qiskit Runtime Job (opens new window). It provides status information about a job (e.g., job id, status, etc.) and enables you to access the job result as soon as the job execution has completed successfully. The PlanqkRuntimeJob class supports the same methods as the PlanqkJob class, i.e. status(), result() and cancel(). Support for streaming results, logs, and intermediate results is currently not available and will be added in a future release.

The format result of a PlanqkRuntimeJob depends on the primitive that was used to run the job.

# PennyLane Integration

To use the SDK with PennyLane, you need to install the PennyLane-Qiskit plugin (opens new window) by adding the pennylane-qiskit package to your Python project dependencies, e.g., by running pip install pennylane-qiskit.

To execute a PennyLane circuit using a PlanQK backend, first, retrieve the desired backend using the PlanqkQuantumProvider.
Then, create a qiskit.remote device and pass the PlanQK backend to it.


Currently, the IBM backends offered by PlanQK cannot be accessed with PennyLane.

In the following example a remote device that uses the azure.ionq.simulator backend is created.

provider = PlanqkQuantumProvider()
backend = provider.get_backend(name="azure.ionq.simulator")
device = qml.device('qiskit.remote', wires=2, backend=backend, shots=100)

def circuit():
    qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
    return qml.sample(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.sample(qml.PauliZ(1))

result = circuit()

# What's next?